Breeding Koncept

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Keith Gunderson was a philosophy professor at the University of Minnesota.  Whenever he brought up an argument that was kind of plausible, yet there were some troubling loose ends that made you think it was maybe terminally flawed, he said that the nagging doubt was like having a crazy relative, say Uncle Bob, locked up in your attic, isolated far from civil society.  But one evening, during a formal dinner party you are hosting at home, Uncle Bob starts screaming and rattling the doors and windows, just howling with rage.  There, in the awkward silence, with your guests looking at you in horror, you try to make polite conversation but realize you are totally fucked and everyone knows it.  That’s what the people on Fox & Friends looked like this morning when Trump called in and went on a rant about how badly he was being treated.  One of the things he may have been trying to explain was a tweet earlier in the week that began with immigration woes, and ended with a nebulous reference to “Breeding Concept”, or “Koncept”, I suppose, in context.  Who knows what he meant.  It appears to be linked to white supremacist views that illegal immigrants are breeding like bunnies and it’s Alamo Time for old fat white guys with bad spray tans.  Could be.  In the meantime, bye Bob!